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Archive for Rational Mechanics and AnalysisComputer Science, Physics, Astronomy and AstrophysicsSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
Astronomische Nachrichten (Electronic)Astronomy & AstrophysicsWILEY
Astronomy LettersAstronomy and AstrophysicsPleiades Publishing
Astronomy ReportsAstronomy and AstrophysicsPleiades Publishing
Astrophysical BulletinAstronomy and AstrophysicsPleiades Publishing
AstrophysicsAstronomy and AstrophysicsSpringer US
Astrophysics and Space ScienceAstronomy and AstrophysicsSpringer Netherlands
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical AstronomyAstronomy and AstrophysicsSpringer Netherlands
Cosmic ResearchAstronomy and AstrophysicsPleiades Publishing
Doklady PhysicsAstronomy and AstrophysicsPleiades Publishing
Earth, Moon, and PlanetsAstronomy and AstrophysicsSpringer Netherlands
Experimental AstronomyAstronomy and AstrophysicsSpringer Netherlands
Few-Body SystemsAstronomy and AstrophysicsSpringer Vienna
Journal of Astrophysics and AstronomyAstronomy and AstrophysicsSpringer India
Kinematics and Physics of Celestial BodiesAstronomy and AstrophysicsPleiades Publishing
PramanaPhysics, Astronomy and AstrophysicsSpringer India
Solar PhysicsPhysics, Astronomy and AstrophysicsSpringer Netherlands
Solar System ResearchPhysics, Astronomy and AstrophysicsPleiades Publishing
Space Science ReviewsPhysics, Astronomy and AstrophysicsSpringer Netherlands
Structural and Multidisciplinary OptimizationComputer Science, Engineering and Technology, Astronomy and AstrophysicsSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
The Astronomy and Astrophysics ReviewAstronomy and AstrophysicsSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
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