New Arrivals on 15.12.2022

(The following books will be issued after 03.01.2023)
Title Author Call No.
Generalities , Computer science & Social science
1 Art of algorithm design Mohanty, Sachi Nandan 004.421 MOH/A
2 Neuromorphic engineering, the scientist’s, algorithms designer’s and computer architect’s perspectives on brain-inspired computing Tsur,Ellishai Ezra 004.421 TSU/N
3 Ios 15 Programming fundamentals with swift Neuburg, Matt 004.438 NEU/P
4 Data Management in R Elff ,Martin 004.65 ELF/D
5 Designing data-intensive applications: the big ideas behind reliable,scalable,and maintainable systems Kleppmann Martin 004.65 KLE/D
6 Data science and data analytics Tyagi, Amit Kumar 004.651 TYA/D
7 Mastering apache spark 2.x Kienzler,Romeo 004.657 KIE/M"2017"
8 Hands-on explainable AI (XAI) with python Rothman,Denis 004.8:004.438 ROT/H
9 Human resource development Sadler-Smith,Eugene 331.024 SAD/H
10 Indian private international law Jolly, Stellina 341.9(540) JOI/I
11 Power and pain in the modern prison Crewe, Ben 343.811 CRE/P
12 Is it ours?: Art, copyright, and public interest Buskirk,Martha 347.78 BUS/I
13 Birnie, Boyle, and Redgwell's international law and the environment Boyle, Alan 349.6 BOY/I
Science and management
14 Power of geometric algebra computing Hildenbrand, Dietmar 515.142 HIL/P
15 How to Make Sense of Statistics Gorard, Stephen 519.2 GOR/H
16 Statistical modeling by exponential families Sundberg, Rolf 519.226 SUN/S
17 Silicon photonics for high-performance computing and beyond Nikdast,Mahdi. 535.14 NIK/S
18 Heat and mass transfer Karwa,Rajendra 536.24 KAR/H
19 Spin dynamics :basics of nuclear magnetic resonance Levitt,Malcolm H. 539.194 LEV/S
20 Introduction to ocean dynamics Pandharinath, Navale 551.46 PAN/I
21 Multidisciplinary design optimization and its application in deep manned submersible design Pan, Binbin 551.46 PAN/M
22 Ocean wave energy systems: hydrodynamics, power takeoff and control systems Samad, Abdus 551.466 SAM/O
23 Terrestrial atmosphere and ionosphere: physics and experimental techniques Murty,Krishna B V 551.51 MUR/T
24 Computational genomics with R Akalin Altuna 575.111:004 AKA/C
25 Biocatalysis: biochemical fundamentals and applications Grundwald, Peter 575.15 GRU/B
26 Methods in actinobacteriology Dharumadurai,Dhanasekaran 576.8 DHA/M
27 Advances in experimental impact mechanics Song,Bo 620.1 SON/A
28 Practical approach to fracture mechanics Gonzalez-Velazquez,Jorge luis 620.184 GON/P
29 Introduction to fracture mechanics Ritchie,Robert O 620.184 RIT/I
30 Green energy ship concept :Renewable energy from wind over water Platzer, Max F 620.92 PLA/G
31 Cryogenic process engineering Timmerhaus,Klaus D. 621.59 TIM/C
32 Tire engineering: an introduction Rodgers, Brendan 62-11 ROD/T
33 Numerical ship hydrodynamics an assessment of the Tokyo 2015 workshop Hino,Takanori 629.015.2 HIN/N
34 Unmanned and autonomous ships:an overview of MASS Wright , Glenn 629.12 WRI/U
35 Holistic approach to ship design Papanikolaou,Apostolos 629.5.01 PAP/H.1
36 Design thinking for student projects Morgan,Tony 65.012.1 MOR/D
37 Brand Management Beverland,Michael 658.626 BEV/B
38 Selling and sales management:Developing skills for success Spiller Lisa 658.8 SPI/S
39 Sage handbook of marketing ethics Eagle,Lynne 658.8:174.4(035) EAG/M
40 Design & manufacturing of plastics products:Integrating traditional methods with additive manufacturing Pouzada, Antonio Sergio 678.5 POU/D


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