New Arrivals on 09.02.2023

(The following books will be issued after 23.02.2023)
Title Author Call No.
Generalities, Computer Science & Social Science
1 Little quick fix:Choose your methodology Whiffin,charlotte jane 001.82 WHI/L
2 Little quick fix:Plan your research project Kelly Trivedy 001.891 KEL/L
3 Little quick fix:select a sample Silvia,Paul 001.891 SIL/L
4 Smart Cyber Physical Systems:Advances,challenges and opportunities Karpagam, G.R 004.2 KAR/S
5 Machine learning using python Pradhan,Manaranjan 004.438PYT PRA/M
6 Geographical data science and spatial data analysis :an introduction in R Comber, Lex 004.62:91 COM/G
7 Transfer learning through embedding spaces Rostami, Mohammad 004.8 ROS/T
8 Data-driven science and engineering: machine learning, dynamical systems and control Brunton ,Steven L. 004.85:62 BRU/D
9 Doing document analysis:a practice oriented method Asdal,Kristin 004.93'1 ASD/D
10 Divyangata ek samajik yatharth (उपन्यास दिव्यागता एक यथार्थ ) Varma,Vijay Kumar 316=H VAR/D
11 Portfolio theory and risk management Capinski,Maciej J 336.763 CAP/P
12 Tourism, hospitality and events student’s guide to study and employability Everett,Sally 338.48:331.5 EVE/T
13 Computation and modelling in insurance and finance Bolviken,Erik 368.025.6:519.24 BOL/C R
Science and management
14 Probability for finance Kopp,Ekkehard 519.2:336 KOP/P
15 Introduction to statistical pattern recognition Fukunaga,Keinosuke 519.22 FUK/S R
16 Advanced survival models Legrand,Catherine 519.23:616-071 LEG/A
17 Biomarker analysis in clinical trials with R Rabbee,Nusrat 519.23:616-071 RAB/B
18 Elephant in the Universe:Our Hundred--Year Search For Dark Matter Schilling,Govert 522.1 SCH/E
19 Classical and quantum statistical Physics: fundamentals and advanced topics Heissenberg,Carlo 531.19 HEI/C
20 Experimental techniques for low‑temperature measurements Ekin,Jack W 536.48 EKI/E
21 Physical oceanography and climate Karnauskas, Kris 551.46+551.51 KAR/P
22 Introduction to computational systems biology:Systems-level modelling of cellular networks Raman, Karthik 575.112:004 RAM/I
23 Molecular biology of the cell Alberts,Bruce 576.3 ALB/M"2014"
24 Marine microbiology :Ecology & applications Munn,Colin B 576.8(26) MUN/M
25 Enzymes for pollutant degradation Mulla,Sikandar I 577.15 MUL/E
26 COVID-19:Origin,detection and impact analysis using artifical intelligence computational techniques Verma, Parag 616-036.21:004.8 VER/C
27 Proceedings of the fourth international conference in ocean engineering (ICOE2018) Volume 1 Murali, K 627:551.46(062)INT'18' MUR/P
28 Case in Point 11:Complete Case Interview Preparation Consentino ,Marc Patric 65.012.124 COS/C
29 Strategic corporate social responsibility:a holistic approach to responsible and sustainable business Haski-Leventhal,Debbie 65.012.2 HAS/S"2022"
30 Project management:Tha managerial process Larson,Erik W 65.012.2 LAR/P
31 Predictive analytics: the power to predict who will click,buy,lie or die Siegel,Eric 65.012.4:004.62 SIE/P
32 Startup owner's manual: the step-by-step guide for building a great company Blank, Steve 658.11 BLA/S
33 Total quality management :an integrated approach Kiran,D R 658.562 KIR/T
34 Sustainable marketing:a holistic approach Peterson,Mark 658.8 PET/S
35 Ethics and corporate governance Kaur,Rajinder 658:174.4 KAU/E
36 Introduction to management consultancy Baaij,Marc G 659.235 BAA/M
37 Fiber-Reinforced Cements and Concretes Johnston,Colin D 666.981 JOH/F
Art, Literature, Biography
38 Hindi ke dalit aatmakathaen (हिन्दी दलित आत्मकथाएँ) Dhoare,Sanjay 89H.09 DHO/H
39 Bhartiya Mann aur Pravasi Mahila Kahanikaar (भारतीय मन और परवासी महिला कहानीकार ) Firoz,Khan 89H.09 FIR/B
40 Hindi Ka Bhartiya evam pravasi mahilakathalekhan Madhu Sadhu 89H.09 MAD/P
41 Samkaleen vimarshvadi upanyas (समकालीन विमर्शवादी उपन्यास ) Meena,Ramesh chand 89H.09 MEE/S
42 Kavitha ke naye pratiman (कविता के नए प्रतिमान) Singh,Namwar 89H-1.09 SIN/K
43 Dhakka pump (धक्का पंप) Jain,Rajesh 89H-2 JAI/D
44 SAGE handbook of historical geography Domosh,Mona 91:93(035) DOM/H.1-.2 R
45 Journey in Antarctica exploring the future of the white continent Rossi,Sergio 910.4(9) ROS/J
46 Kaun hain bharat mata :Itihas,sanskrit aur bharat ki sankalpana (कौन है भारत माता ?) Agarwal,Purushottam 92(NEH)=H AGA/K
47 Kashmir aur kashmiri pandit (कश्मीर और काशमीरी पंडित ) Pandey,Ashok Kumar 954(540.11)=H PAN/K
48 3020 E Bharati,rakesh shankar FH BHA
49 Kahani khatam nahi hoti Singh,Rakesh Kumar FH SIN/K
50 Dus pratinidhi kahaniyan (10प्रतिनिधि कहानियाँ) Sudha Om Dhingra FH SUD/D


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